Friday, May 1, 2009

End of semester

I have been pretty ill the last week or so, which is a huge drag since it is also the end of the semester and I am insanely busy. Doc says it's some kind of virus wreaking havoc on my lower intestine. However, that doesn't seem to explain to me why I keep getting splitting migraine like headaches, although she says it does. Today I have decided to fast for awhile since the muffin I had for breakfast made my stomach feel like it was going to explode. Honestly though, I haven't felt like this ever. It's really bad. It's also pretty strange that, when bombs aren't going off in my brain, I'm totally fine in the head.
I'm starting to get a little concerned about my overall health, actually. I feel like I've been having a lot of little and annoying maladies, one after the other for about a year and a half now. I guess I'm just getting older, but it's pretty annoying after being spoiled with little to no health issues for pretty much my whole life.
Other than pissing and moaning about my health, I've been working pretty hard trying to finish the semester. Zeus parted the skies and struck twice in the same place as both of the assignments that were due today got extended to next week. Of course this just means that my weekend will suck that much more, but it also means that I won't turn in complete shit work. Only underwear stain shit work.
I am sure looking forward to getting done with my semester so that I can start working on the things that are a little more interesting to me, namely the cycling project for John, my falscheeinbahnstrasse project for the conference in June, and my summer directed study, whatever that may turn out to be. I'm hoping to do something with carsharing. I am also looking forward to having a little more time to hang out with Brandy, go to shows, and relax a bit.
Still sweating weather or not I'll be funded next year. Me not getting funding basically = me fucked. I got an email saying I was not being extended and freaked, but then realized that it is just that they had to meet a deadline for the Uni, and are still not done deciding. I'm pretty concerned though.
In the good news, it looks like I won't have any lack of work this summer, and I don't have to do a damn bit of job searching. I like when that works out like that because job searching is one of my least favorite things to do in the world. I was just told that Dan wants me to work on the data analysis portion of the parking research project I was doing last summer, whenever we get all our data. It also looks like National Transit Institute wants to keep me around over the summer. So this on top of the work for John should keep me busy and liquid until I take off to Europe in August.
Hey, I just noticed it's not freezing cold in the computer lab. Good sign to get back to work.

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