Friday, May 22, 2009

Yesterday I took the day off from doing anything and walked around the city with Tamas. We made quite a day of it despite the fact that we didn't get out of the house until at least 11. We started our voyage in the West Village, then hopped the train to Chinatown where he got ripped off by a shopkeeper who sold him a bag and then gave him the smaller one wrapped up. We then walked down to the Brooklyn Bridge and walked over. I have been on the Manhattan Bridge, but never the Brooklyn. I did like it despite the fact that it was completely crowded with tourists. It was kind of humorous to watch exasperated cyclists dealing with peds encroaching on their lane. Clearly a lane of car traffic should be removed in each direction for the sake of bikes so that peds and bikes can be separated here. We then hung out in the park in DUMBO and then checked out Brooklyn Heights before heading home. BH, which is the original suburb in the US, is actually a very nice neighborhood since it was built for rich people who walked everywhere. There is a nice commercial street with very little traffic and lots of nice restaurants with outdoor seating.
When we got home, I was looking forward to relaxing a bit before Brandy got home, but this was not to be. Nick called and convinced us to go to some show at BB King's up at godforsaken Times Square. It was $18 and then the fucks had a ticketmaster AT THE DOOR for the sole purpose of screwing you out of another $2. The band Nick wanted to see was some marginal Reggae band that opened for some really shitty band that did Reggae covers of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Radiohead. We ended up getting the hell out of there, feeling the hole in our pockets. We then strolled through Times Square since Tamas had not seen it at night, and he was very hilarious joking about how amazing and spectacular it was. Turns out Times Square is much more tolerable when you aren't actually trying to get somewhere.
We then went to McSorley's for a few cheap ass beers and then headed over to the Bulgarian Disco. The Disco was completely dead so we wandered around for awhile, had a beer at Max Fish, which was filled with hipsters, including many cute women. We then rounded out the evening at this "speakeasy." You have to go through this little tunnel and alley to get to it, and then they serve your drinks in coffee and tea cups. There is also this little back room for VIPs and private parties that is behind a revolving bookshelf. There are a lot of nice couches and the beer is pretty good. Tamas was very excited that they had Radeberger, which comes from his hometown.
I just made some chocolate chip cookies that are not as good as I'd like, but I cannot stop eating them.
So boring post, but my mind is not here so...

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