Sunday, February 24, 2008


Good God I've been sick for about a week and a half.
Brandy came for a wonderful visit last week. We had a great time hanging out in Portland and we also went up to Mt. Hood to do some snowboarding. It was my first time and I did fairly well, although I did bite edge a couple of times trying to switch back to the front from a toe edge. It was really beautiful up there too and there was tons of snow. Probably about 16-20 ft. I haven't seen snow like that since the last time I went to Lake Superior in the winter. The road is just a tunnel through the snow piled on both sides. The result of all that activity however was that I was totally worn out and some nasty illnesses took advantage of my weakened immune system. It started with a sore throat and went on to general pains and weakness and headaches. Brandy also wasn't doing too well, although with different symptoms. Word on the street is there is both a flu and bronchitis floating around.
The weather has been teasingly nice - sunny and floating around the 50s and 60s. I so wanted to get out and bike, but I was just too weak and tired. I finally felt well enough to ride yesterday and surprisingly the weather didn't break yet. I got in a heavenly ride down the river with my friend Cameron and then we ate tacos with homemade tortillas... so good. I tweaked my tendon from all the biking, so I'm taking it easy today, ie. no ultimate :( It's good though b/c this gives me time to get some homework done and I got some throwing practice in too. I also have another incentive to get my homework done early b/c if I get my Thu work done, I can go boarding again on Wed. My buddy Eric (ET), who I know from Madison and has been living out here for a couple of years, was conveniently laid off the other day, so he's got some time to do shit on weekdays while he collects severence.
I am fairly busy now in general. My homework isn't too bad, but I do need to get moving on my research project as well as start learning R for the work I'll be doing with my professor. I also wanna get into the training that my illness postponed and I need to contact companies to make appointments for job interviews and ultimate teams for early tryouts for when I go to NY in April.
Now, on to the work.

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