Saturday, February 20, 2010


Eric's recent blog update - the first in months - has seemingly guilted me into updating mine, although, like him, I will probably still not update that frequently. It's not like anyone actually reads this shit anyway, it's more to add to the useless berth of shit oozing from the internet.
I am currently waiting for a classmate of mine to arrive, and will probably be interrupted by him. We are going to go to McCarran for some much needed tossing. I was excited to learn recently, through his response to my gchat status eulogizing the man who first spread the frisbee across the US, that my classmate Devin, who lives a block from me, is also quite a fan of ultimate. I was further excited to learn that he was interested in getting into a tossing and sprinting regimen with me. We shall see how serious we both are about this as the semester drags on.
This has actually been a very good week.
Last night I went to my first ever "Koffee Klatch", which is basically a cocktail party with coffee instead of booze. It was a ridiculous amount of fun. This first-year student, Jessica, has a couple of friends, one of whom may be her boyfriend, who are trying to start a coffee roasting business in New Brunswick. Man, the interjections (perhaps my favorite - and way overused - literary technique) are getting out of control. They made some spectacular coffee and have convinced me to buy my beans from them from now on. I had what may have been in the top three best espresso drinks I've ever had, and I also had this delicious Costa Rican coffee dripped in a Chemex, which I don't believe I've seen before. Jessica made some amazing chocolate cookies with raw cocoa and broken up Girardelli candy bars instead of chips. The company was also great, despite the fact that there were some serious Christians. They are the type of Christians who believe that Christ wants them to help the poor and grow organic food, so they are cool.
Just got back from a way too long session of tossing. It was insanely windy too.
After the coffee, I headed back to the city. On the bus I reflected on what it would be like to die on the bus ride. I found it somewhat poetic to think about the concept of taking this trip I take daily, but my body and soul diverging in their travels. My body would arrive at the typical destination, but I wouldn't be there. Of course, in order to appreciate that it was happening I would have to know I was dieing, in which case I would have to ruin it by trying to save myself, unless I was in such a mess that I knew I was going to die, in which case the other people on the bus would probably know too, which would distract from the peacefulness. So I guess I'll still have to hope for the meteorite death.
When I got back, soul intact, I headed straight to Eric's. I was supposed to print Brandy's lift ticket coupon that she earned when she bought her new board, but then she couldn't find the serial number on the board so we headed out to the bar. We checked out the place that used to be Lenora's Way, one of Brandy and my favorites and found that it had become quite cool, although in a different way. They had kind of turned into a typical hipster bar, but they were playing some good music and had expanded their beer menu tremendously. It was really crowded, so we decided to just get one beer and take off. Miraculously though we got seats at the bar pretty quickly and decided to stay for three. It was kind of funny because they had all this great beer, but then had these very kitchy Miller Highlife and Pabst signs, and there were all these idiots ordering really shitty beers like Bud in bottles. I thought the burly bartender who was a caricature of a derby girl was going to be shitty to us after she implicitly accused me of taking money off the bar, but I think she determined that nobody who feels about beer the way we do could be a thief. That or she decided we were too big of dweebs. She gave us a freebie after the cask we both ordered gave out 2/3 through the second pour, and then she and the other bartender gave us free (totally unnecessary) fourth beers and challenged us to a chug-off. They absolutely decimated us as we could barely touch our frigid, bubbly stouts before they gulped the whole thing. I just remembered this event and now all the pieces have fallen into place to explain how I got so wasted.
After the beers we went back to Eric's as Brandy had finally found the serial number, but the internet was down for the first time ever. I completely forgot this and I awoke filled with guilt at having forgotten to print the coupon. Brandy responded to my text, "What are you talking about? Eric's internet didn't work, [sic] you called to tell me at 3 am."
Now I really have to get my shit together since I have a ridiculous amount of stuff to do this weekend. Mmm, I smell my coffee is ready...

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