Sunday, February 28, 2010


I was attempting to pull some archived documents off of my old, jumbled document bookshelf, which also happens to be an unbelievably shitty Ikea trash shelf. The shelf jostling inherent in the shittiness of Ikea caused a poorly located framed Monet print to tip off and fall onto none other than my head. In the process it brought down several other office supplies that had been in front of it. Luckily I was able to catch it through the hail of markers and note pads as it bounced off my back, thereby preventing it from shattering all over the floor or my foot. After swearing and cleaning up the mess, I went into the kitchen where I noticed that, Holy God, my finger is bleeding!! This did puzzle me since there had been no broken glass. I then realized that the real problem was that a sharpie had exploded, so I needed to clean that up.
While writing this, I dropped a glass of water on my computer. My reaction was to brush it off quickly, which of course resulted in broken glass and water all over the floor. Let's hope this is the end of the evening's disasters.

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