Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finger Bang City

I am typing quickly b/c this is the last week of class and I have mad paper to write. I should have been here hours ago... I was but then I looked out the library window and saw discs flying on the field and could not resist. I just got back in after playing for like 2 hours. The play was really low level, but that was nice b/c I didn't want to exert myself too much with my knee being weird. I just really needed to get some cardio in and that was just what I needed, although I'm not exactly sure my knee agrees.
Last night I went with Chappo, Eric and our friend Dave to see Finger Bang City I have been waiting for them to play since I moved here and Chappo, who introduced me to them hadn't seen them since he moved here a year and a half ago, so we were definitely going... even if it was at a gay bar, as it just so happened to be. Now, being at a gay bar doesn't really bother me, although I'd never been to one and it was... interesting. I probably would have felt less comfortable at, say, a biker bar or a thuggish bar. However, others don't feel the same way and it was really fun watching my friends squirm as they were way out of their comfort level. The sound system sucked though and the set was fairly disappointing, so I wasn't too bothered when everyone wanted to leave at the set break. One thing I thought was funny was that the place had straight, 70's porn playing on the big screen.
Fri night I navigated for my friend Joe in a time, speed, distance rally. I'd never done it before and it was a lot of fun. I mean, me navigating? No way! It seemed pretty simple when I read the instructions ahead of time and went over all the rules. It was not at all simple. In fact, I thought my head would explode. I way underestimated the importance of time management and, let's just say that we didn't quite get the worst score possible and we were pretty happy about that. The results just came in and I am happy to report that we did not come in dead last. We learned a lot about how we need to work together and I think we will do better next time. We got back to my place around 10 and both of us were really beat and there was no way I was going anywhere, so we packed up a hookah and chilled on the back porch listening to the rain and smoking a cherry and lemon mix. Turns out that was exactly what I needed, although I woke up feeling really shitty.
Now I will get on with my paper, which is on the economics of right-priced curb parking.

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