Monday, December 3, 2007

End o' Semester

I have done nothing but sit in front of my computer since at least Fri. I think I did the same on Thu, but I can't remember that far back. I went out for a couple of hours Sat night, getting soaked in the process. I pulled the dining table into the living room so that I could look outside while I work and I completely took over. There are papers, dishes, clothes and shit all over the room. I finally turned on the heat in the house so that I could actually concentrate. I have drunk an unprecedented amount of tea.
Oh yeah, last night Christina, Lancaster Christina, called me out of the blue and she and her husband were in town so we went to dinner. It was a pleasant surprise and was good to see them.
At least the pouring rain outside has kept me from being temped to go play. I am however also sick. I like how I was healthy all quarter and my body chooses the most inopportune moment to break down. I have still been eating well and at least being in bed a reasonable amount of hours, although I haven't been able to fall asleep that well.
I haven't begun writing my paper which is due Tue yet. Although I do have a 5 page outline. Is that enough for a 10p paper with 8-12 pages of appendices?
At least I'll be done on Wed.

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Good luck with all the going-on's at the end of the semester. Take care of yourself.

As for inopportune time to get sick, I'm currently battling this as well. However, I'm just working on a conference here in Madtown.

Get better soon.