Monday, December 10, 2007

So I'm, ahhh... sitting in Phoenix. I'm finally done with school, although I do need to start doing the apply to graduate school thing. I'm not really going to go into the insane amount of hours that I put in this previous week trying to get my projects to at least a legible state. I'm still hoping for As, but I dunno. I am also certainly not going to go into the fact that I expected to be done on Wed night, but ended up spending the entire day Thu in the computer lab b/c I foolishly said I'd like to proofread the group report.
What I will get into is the fact that I have been having a pretty damn nice time down here in AZ since I got here on Fri night. It's been really nice, although I still haven't managed to make up the sleep that I lost during the hell week since I seem to just stay up late and get up early for whatever reason.
And here I am up late and will be having breakfast with my bro tomorrow morning. My buddy Jesse and I went up to Sedona today. It was really beautiful. I am pretty sure I've been there before, but for some reason didn't appreciate it's beauty as I did this time. Perhaps it was b/c I had just come from the Grand Canyon and the place was loaded with tourists.
I am now trying to figure out the rest of my time here. I started looking into my Mexico plans, trying to decide timing and transit. I am sadly facing the reality that Chihuahua is much further away than I thought; I'm going to have to take an 8 hr Greyhound down to El Paso, walk across the border, and catch a 5 hr bus to Chihuahua. I'm not cure what I was thinking it would be, but certainly not 12 hrs. If I would have actually thought about it for a moment, I would have easily come up with such a figure. I mean shit, it's a SW state width east and then almost another whole state south. I'm still doing it though, I just lose a day and have to enter TX. At least that means I get to toss the disc around on Tue evening.
Now I am totally toasted in the brain from lack of sleep, so I shall crash. I will do the same after I have breakfast with the bro.
P.S. Two amazing things happened to me today: I won $15 on a $10 lottery ticket, profit baby! The second was chip related. When I broke a chip in half to dip in the salsa at dinner, a small piece flew off and flew straight into my mouth. It was amazing.

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