Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Well, I'm back I guess

I see it's been a month and a half since I last updated. I'd say I was busy, which I kind of was, but not that busy and since I've been using that excuse in place of laziness too much, I'm not going to use it this time. I guess I've just been getting discouraged from updating since no one seems to read it since I moved it from MySpace. I might have to move it back, despite how much I hate MySpace. I imagine it's a matter of convenience.
I'm right now in the middle of applying for grad schools while trying to finish up my semester. Actually, the shit has kind of hit the fan workload wise, although I could have significantly less work if I would have done more throughout the semester. I'm getting better at that, but still a long way to go. I also can't really complain since I have it a lot more easy than those people who have full-time classes and work. Some of these people even have families. I don't know how they do it.
I have been absolutely enjoying my time here in PDX. I think I am just about getting over my two month slump, which seems to attack me after about two months in a new place. At that time the novelty has started to wear off, but it isn't enough time to have made any really strong friend connections with good support systems in place. You also still haven't really gotten to know the place yet with solid favorite places or routines. Some of the mundane things that you take for granted in a place in which you are established are a nuisance because you have to go through the process of actually figuring out where the hell to go. For instance, buying shoes, getting a haircut, deciding on a restaurant, knowing what the hell people are talking about when they give you directions using landmarks, going to movies, looking for live music, finding hookers, oops, forget I mentioned that. The nice thing about the ol TMS is that when you get over it, you really start to feel at home. It's like you have to go through this whole fall-apart crappy stage and then all of a sudden all the pieces start to fall into place and you are home.
I took a nice trip back to New York a couple weeks ago. I had a really good time seeing lots of people and hanging out, although I had some incredibly annoying transit experiences. It was fun, but I'm not sure I can see myself living there again. I just really feel at home out here and the geography here is so much better and I don't feel myself getting more aggressive every day. But on the other hand, there are some rather compelling forces drawing me back there, so we will see. I had also given up on it b/c the schools didn't seem to offer what I was looking for, but then I found Rutgers, which isn't in NY, but could be close enough to live there. Rutgers has some professors who are interested in a lot of the same things I am, such as transit/land use connection, bike/ped & health connection, international transportation, etc. So I will definitely apply there.
I have been doing a lot of hiking out here and really loving it. There are so many amazing hikes. This area is just gorgeous.
I am also looking into buying a bar with a buddy out here, but I doubt that will come to fruition. Just seems a bit too ridiculous, even for me.
I must now get to bed, since I am cashed.
Thank you for kicking my ass into gear with this blog Nandi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anytime ;)