Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Another Letter

Well, since it has been awhile since I've posted, but I'm insanely busy, I will post a letter I wrote to Sonja yesterday...with a little more written after it.
Noticing a pattern here?

begin letter
What a day is right.
I slept in til noon b/c I was up late w/indigestion from eating a Chi style hot dog, chili cheese fries and a coke at 9 PM. I even barfed. Then I got into this huge debate with my roommate about prostitution and when I finally got out of the house today I walked past Gina and saw her tire was totally flat. So I had to spend an hour fixing that, which meant getting the jack out of under all my shit that's packed in there. Then jimmying open the lock on the spare tire b/c I don't have the key. Then the jack is not a typical pump-style, but rather you have to stick this little tire iron into a hole and rotate it with about a 5 inch lever. Yeah that's fun trying to lift a ton of steel by rotating a fucking little bar while laying on the ground. I got to school just in time to go to class, which means that I have to stay here now to send out the resumes I planned to send out before class. I also will have to go to the tire store at some point and see if I can patch the old tire, which I have no clue how it could have popped. I've also been itching to give my bike a good cleaning.

I also had two papers due this week; one I started early and was able to write and review and turned in today, another which I am starting now and has to be turned in tomorrow at class at four. I've learned that if I go to bed and then think I'm going to do the paper during the day, well shit doesn't get turned in on time. So tonight I will stay up until I get it at least in first draft.
I met with another professor today and talking with him gave me more motivation to become a prof. It just seems like the kind of work for me, even though it is a lot of it. Of course, now I am vacillating b/w the Urban Studies and the Urban and Regional Planning masters. I just don't know which is going to be the best for me. Both have been suggested, and not surprisingly the correlation between which program was suggested and the program in which the prof making the suggestion teaches has been very high. Well, I have a lot of time to decide, but we all know how quickly a lot of time becomes the last minute.
Another huge surprise is that it rained today. What do you know.
I've decided though that I quite like the rain here and being wet all the time really isn't that bad.
On a side note, does anyone actually read this crap? Was the move from MySpace too much for people to handle? I used to get plenty of comments on MySpace, but here I have received none. Send me a personal email if there is some sort of half-assed problem with leaving comments on this page.

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