Friday, September 28, 2007

In College Again

I've finished my first week back in college after an almost 3 year hiatus and have noticed quite a few things that are different. First of all, there is a campus wireless network. We may have had one in Madison when I was there, but I couldn'tve cared less since I would have never even considered getting a laptop.
I've found that, without naming names, there are a bunch of types of people who I used to think were pretty rad, but now I can't help but be annoyed by. There are also others who used to annoy me, but now drive me crazy. Eric, I think you know who we are talking about here. On the other hand I now have great appreciation for the wild-eyed and smelly grad student who runs around campus with dossiers muttering to himself.
There are a lot of things that I took for granted at Madison and must get used to with being on a much much much smaller campus. Only one library and one fitness center are among these. I also had to pay $160 for a term bus pass instead of having it automatically taken out of my seg fees, but perhaps this is better b/c then only those who use it are billed? There are other things that are much easier here too, so it is all just a matter of getting used to it.
I finally got to experience the fabled rain of Portland today, but only in mild form and I was properly dressed. I think it may actually be helpful for me to have lousy weather to keep me inside and working.
I am slowly trudging through all those things that are required to relocate to a new state...still. The latest breakthrough is that I have applied for short-term health insurance while I wait for an agent to get back to me and sell me some more permanent. The benefits should begin tomorrow just in time for my frisbee tournament.
I now have to get my ass in gear with my homework for my research design class. I am really looking forward to this class b/c it will help me to actually have some idea what the hell I'm doing when it comes to research. I do however have to get used to reading 50-100 pages of text every week for one class.
I also have to move all my shit out of my sublet tonight b/c it needs to be vacated before I get back on Sunday.

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