Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday Night

Busy, busy, busy is what I've been. Trying to see people before I leave, still meeting new ones and trying to get all my shit in order for the move. I'm supposed to begin another crazy night in about an hour and a half and yet again have done nothing. Hopefully I'll get a little packing done before I go.
Yesterday was rainy and cool, much a change from Wed when it was in the high nineties and humid. After a morning of crazy logistics, I finally bought my tickets for my moving travels. I also have one confirmed passenger, Shaunna.
After getting all this together I rushed out the door to meet Larisa for lunch at Think Coffee. The place is really expensive, but I still think it is way cool and your costs are going into keeping a place around in expensive NYU area where you can buy a coffee and sit there on the free WiFi all day.
I was chagrined to find that their food was only served in the PM, so I had nothing. We had a nice time, but short because she had to get back to work. Right after she left CSer Raul showed up and we went to find masks for the evening's masquerade party. Well food, then masks.
I got this really creepy full-face mask with silver, gold and black stripes. I am definitely going to wear it as I drive out West.
After getting my mask I went up to Astoria to meet Sasha, and later the others, at the Egyptian Coffee Shop. When I got there Sasha informed me that she wouldn't come until later, so I went shopping for a hookah. I bought a smallish one for traveling convenience.
We went to two different hookah bars, both of which were significantly cheaper than Kush of last week. They were alse much more authentic and the one had amazing tea. There turned out to be a group of about 9 people which was pretty cool.
The group whittled down as some of went to the Bohemian Beer Garden, while others went off to the party. The beer garden was cool, or at least it probably is really cool with tons of people; the place is huge. I was annoyed when the bouncers who are "very serious about our jobs" wouldn't let me take in my fucking leftovers from dinner. Luckily CSer Pim lives around the corner and I deposited them there.
We finally made it to the party around 1:30 and it was a little more low-key than the last party there. It was still a lot of fun and several of us stayed until about 5.
Four of us shared a cab to Brandy's apartment in Williamsburg and then we just crashed there...I know i couldn't be bothered to walk all the way home from there at that time.
We got up a painful few hours later and had brunch at this really delicious place on Grand Ave. It was a nice surprise too that it turned out to be next to this place that Julie and Matt had taken Eric and I our first time in Bky. I had been wondering where the hell it was, not for any special reason, but because it bothers me when I know that a place exists, I've been to it, and it's nearby, but I have no idea where it is.
After breakfast Brandy and her cousin split and I guided our new suburbanite friend to the subway. I then decided that I didn't really feel like walking home, so I went back over to Seth's to pick up some shit I left and help clean a bit.
There I climbed the neighboring building, about 15 stories, on the fire escape and got a nice view.
I then hurried up to the LES and met Pim for a quick coffee and then finally headed home around 3:30, and finally some sleep.

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