Monday, December 10, 2007

So I'm, ahhh... sitting in Phoenix. I'm finally done with school, although I do need to start doing the apply to graduate school thing. I'm not really going to go into the insane amount of hours that I put in this previous week trying to get my projects to at least a legible state. I'm still hoping for As, but I dunno. I am also certainly not going to go into the fact that I expected to be done on Wed night, but ended up spending the entire day Thu in the computer lab b/c I foolishly said I'd like to proofread the group report.
What I will get into is the fact that I have been having a pretty damn nice time down here in AZ since I got here on Fri night. It's been really nice, although I still haven't managed to make up the sleep that I lost during the hell week since I seem to just stay up late and get up early for whatever reason.
And here I am up late and will be having breakfast with my bro tomorrow morning. My buddy Jesse and I went up to Sedona today. It was really beautiful. I am pretty sure I've been there before, but for some reason didn't appreciate it's beauty as I did this time. Perhaps it was b/c I had just come from the Grand Canyon and the place was loaded with tourists.
I am now trying to figure out the rest of my time here. I started looking into my Mexico plans, trying to decide timing and transit. I am sadly facing the reality that Chihuahua is much further away than I thought; I'm going to have to take an 8 hr Greyhound down to El Paso, walk across the border, and catch a 5 hr bus to Chihuahua. I'm not cure what I was thinking it would be, but certainly not 12 hrs. If I would have actually thought about it for a moment, I would have easily come up with such a figure. I mean shit, it's a SW state width east and then almost another whole state south. I'm still doing it though, I just lose a day and have to enter TX. At least that means I get to toss the disc around on Tue evening.
Now I am totally toasted in the brain from lack of sleep, so I shall crash. I will do the same after I have breakfast with the bro.
P.S. Two amazing things happened to me today: I won $15 on a $10 lottery ticket, profit baby! The second was chip related. When I broke a chip in half to dip in the salsa at dinner, a small piece flew off and flew straight into my mouth. It was amazing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stupid Column

Man, there is this stupid column right in the middle of the Urban Studies computer lab. It's really annoying b/c if you are in the middle aisle of computers you either have to go down one of the side aisles and then back up to your computer or get all up in someone's business if they are sitting in front of the column b/c the space b/w the column and the adjacent seats is pretty tight, especially if you have a backpack.
All they would need to do is move the back row of tables towards the wall like one foot, which is totally reasonable b/c the aisle b/w wall and desk is pretty wide.
Whatever, column.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Vitamin C

I am entering the final stretch in my research proposal preparation. T-6 hours. Luckily I have several orbs of vitamin C and a large vessel of caffeine to keep me going. I also have numerous doses of sugar in varying forms and an unlimited supply of dihydrogen monoxide.

Monday, December 3, 2007

End o' Semester

I have done nothing but sit in front of my computer since at least Fri. I think I did the same on Thu, but I can't remember that far back. I went out for a couple of hours Sat night, getting soaked in the process. I pulled the dining table into the living room so that I could look outside while I work and I completely took over. There are papers, dishes, clothes and shit all over the room. I finally turned on the heat in the house so that I could actually concentrate. I have drunk an unprecedented amount of tea.
Oh yeah, last night Christina, Lancaster Christina, called me out of the blue and she and her husband were in town so we went to dinner. It was a pleasant surprise and was good to see them.
At least the pouring rain outside has kept me from being temped to go play. I am however also sick. I like how I was healthy all quarter and my body chooses the most inopportune moment to break down. I have still been eating well and at least being in bed a reasonable amount of hours, although I haven't been able to fall asleep that well.
I haven't begun writing my paper which is due Tue yet. Although I do have a 5 page outline. Is that enough for a 10p paper with 8-12 pages of appendices?
At least I'll be done on Wed.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mob Dreams

I had a dream last night that I was dealing with the mob. Lots of shooting and explosions. Pretty cool. After I woke up I realized that the names of all the hired goons were the names of the authors of the articles I'm citing in my research project.
On another 'mob' related subject, check this out